Small breed 3-65 lb (1,4 to 29 kg)

Puppy = 12 months or less
Adult = 1 year to 7-8 years
Senior = 9 years and more

*The size is based on the average normal weight for your pet at the adult life stage. *The life cycle is based on an average.

The breed and size of the animal should always be considered.

Small breed

Small breed 3-65 lb (1,4 to 29 kg)

Puppy = 12 months or less
Adult = 1 year to 7-8 years
Senior = 9 years and more

*The size is based on the average normal weight for your pet at the adult life stage. *The life cycle is based on an average.

The breed and size of the animal should always be considered.

All breeds

All breeds 3-125 lb (1,4 to 56 kg)

Puppy = 12 months or less
Adult = 1 year to 7-8 years
Senior = 9 years and more

*The size is based on the average normal weight for your pet at the adult life stage. *The life cycle is based on an average.

The breed and size of the animal should always be considered.

Large breed

Large breed 46-150+ lb (57-68+ kg)

Puppy = 12 months or less
Adult = 1 year to 7-8 years
Senior = 9 years and more

*The size is based on the average normal weight for your pet at the adult life stage.

*The life cycle is based on an average. The breed and size of the animal should always be considered.

All breeds

All breeds 3-125 lb (1,4 to 56 kg)

Puppy = 12 months or less
Adult = 1 year to 7-8 years
Senior = 9 years and more

*The size is based on the average normal weight for your pet at the adult life stage.

*The life cycle is based on an average. The breed and size of the animal should always be considered.

All breeds

All breeds 3-125 lb (1,4 to 56 kg)

Puppy = 12 months or less
Adult = 1 year to 7-8 years
Senior = 9 years and more

*The size is based on the average normal weight for your pet at the adult life stage.

*The life cycle is based on an average. The breed and size of the animal should always be considered.