Our large breed adult dog food is made with fresh chicken or lamb as a first ingredient, carefully selected fruits and vegetables, and home-milled whole grains such as barley and rye.

Our adult dog food for large breeds is free of soy, corn and wheat (three common allergens) as well as artificial flavouring and preservative-free. Because large breed dogs often struggle with weight problems, our dog food formula contains carnitine, a nutrient that promotes body fat control.

Oven-Baked Tradition adult dog food for large breeds goes through a slow baking process that brings out flavours and preserves essential nutrients and vitamins. Our dog food also produces denser kibbles than those of other brands made by extrusion, allowing your dog to feel full with smaller portions. At Oven-Baked Tradition, the difference is in the baking!


小型犬 3-65 磅(1.4 至 29 公斤)

小狗 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 7-8 岁
高级 = 9 岁及以上

*尺寸基于您的宠物在成年阶段的平均正常体重。 *生命周期基于平均值。



所有品种 3-125 磅(1.4 至 56 公斤)

小狗 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 7-8 岁
高级 = 9 岁及以上

*尺寸基于您的宠物在成年阶段的平均正常体重。 *生命周期基于平均值。



大型犬种 46-150+ 磅(57-68+ 公斤)

小狗 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 7-8 岁
高级 = 9 岁及以上


*生命周期基于平均值。 应始终考虑动物的品种和大小。


所有品种 3-125 磅(1.4 至 56 公斤)

小狗 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 7-8 岁
高级 = 9 岁及以上


*生命周期基于平均值。 应始终考虑动物的品种和大小。


小猫 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 10 岁
老年人 = 10 岁及以上
